
The International Writing Contest is a project currently coordinated by Peace Corps Volunteers in Armenia.

This competition is designed to encourage students to develop their critical thinking, free expression, and writing skills, especially in the area of creative writing, and to allow them to have some fun while writing.  Participants may be students in grades 6-11 and university 1-4 or non-native speaking English instructors.  The basic requirement is that students have one hour to sit and respond to a never-before-seen, bright and shiny creative prompt.  Simple!

2012 will be the second year Ukraine is participating in this competition, and, because Ukraine is such a large country and there are so many Peace Corps Volunteers here, the competition was organized on a three-tier level: school, oblast, and national.  The winning national compositions will be passed on and judged at the international level.

Other participating countries include: South Africa, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Armenia, Cambodia, Azerbaijan, Romania, Moldova, and Georgia.

Our website features winning compositions from the oblast and national level as well as resources for creative writing and potentially more, as our project grows and develops.

Keep reading as we write!




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